
Showing posts from June, 2009

Finally, my new release

Well, the publisher has been busy and there have been a few hold-ups here and there, but my new historical fiction novel is available. It could have been a lot worse; ‘Homesteader’ only took about 3 weeks longer than it took for ‘Partners’. Considering that Strategic is now up to 700 titles and has some new people, that timing is actually pretty good. As with everything I’ve done (including news paper articles) I always manage to find mistakes that I and the editor have missed despite numerous attempts to avoid them. In the case of ‘Homesteader’ I found six mistakes but nothing that should require production to come to a halt. As the title suggests it’s about trying to start your own agricultural enterprise on the cheap with the help of the government. In this case it’s the Canadian Federal Government, the time is 1866 and the area is Fort Calgary, (already being called Calgary in 1866) North West Territories (now Alberta). Along with the choosing and registration of a homestead it als...

It's about time!

It has been a very long time since I posted something. Busy, busy, busy. I just received a very nice review of ‘Partners’ at and I thank Carol for her attention. Some of her comments I agree with and, naturally, some I don’t but I thank her for the study. Along with the every day making-a-living-so-I-can-afford-to-write I’ve also been working on the upcoming release of my latest work which should be available in a couple of weeks. It will be at and I’ll be posting a quick link on this site. My father passed away on Dec. 18 of ’08 and a good friend of more than 50 years wrote a poem in remembrance of Andy McGowan. I’ve dedicated ‘Homesteader’ to Dad and have included Bill Baker’s poem. I guess I shouldn’t call ‘Homesteader’ my latest work since I have done short stories since I actually finished it and have been working on a sequel to ‘Partners.’ This sequel isn’t progressing ...