The Last "Official" duel in Canada
The last duel held in Ontario was in 1833. It was also the last fatal duel. The pistols used can be viewed at the local museum in Perth , Lanark County Ontario. The participants were Robert Lyon and John Wilson accompanied by their respective seconds, Henri Lelievre (probably Lel-ee-vray) and Simon Robertson respectively. The focus of the confrontation was a school teacher Elizabeth Hughes. Robert Lyon was born in Inverurie , Scotland on December 30, 1812 . Along with his family he moved to Canada in 1829. John Wilson was born February 5, 1807 in Paisley , Renfrewshire , Scotland and came to “the colonies” with his family in Perth , Upper Canada about 1823. In 1833 he was studying law under James Boulton. In early June of 1833 Lyon , also a law student, made disparaging remarks about Elizabeth Hughes. John Wilson heard these remarks and, since he had begun a relationship with the young school teacher, demanded that Lyon retract the remarks which at the i...