Observations on those who think they are "Leaders".
My brother in law from down below ... no, he isn’t an Aussi from down under or that other place that came to mind, he’s from below the 49 th parallel, and a really great guy ... sent me these quotes the other day and I thought it was an excellent collection. The thing is, you see, I pay taxes for roads, schools, medical treatment and all these things are not being funded. Yes, there are many other things of course, but I believe these items are where it should start and if there is any money left over at the bottom of the list then those who work for us and keep the records (the same ones who call themselves our “leaders”. I don’t mind that either if it makes them feels good while they are doing their job.) can go ahead and pay themselves. And, of course, they do not get a better pension than those of us who actually contribute to the growth of our country. Of course, the same could be said for those “down below.” Oh, and while you are here on the net, take a look at http...