
Showing posts from August, 2014

North West Mounted Police livestock Part 2

Is it not about time I finish this story?             Yes, the Mounted Police had left Dufferin on July 8 but on the afternoon of July 24 th they had only made it to La Roche Percée less than a third of the distance the Commissioner expected to travel that summer. The trail behind them was already littered with broken wagons and carts and the many oxen and horses that had succumbed to hunger and fatigue.             It must be acknowledged that they really only knew the distance they had travelled and not how much more trail lay in front of them. Due to the excellence of the maps French had and his inability to listen to anyone, they didn’t really know how far they where going. Nor could they guess about the weather they would experience, the land and vegetation or shortage of water.             The “weste...