
Showing posts from October, 2014

Corporal Nathan Cirillo, October 22, 2014

On October 22, 2014 a man shot one of Canada ’s soldiers who at the time stood guard over the memorial for those who have defended our country and way of life and whose sacrifice is otherwise not recorded. He was also representing those men and women who have died to maintain the country and the freedom its citizens enjoy. As a serving member of Canadian forces he also represented those who did serve, survived and returned to life as a citizen and part of the fabric of this great country. Corporal Nathan Cirillo . If you are a Canadian he represented YOU . Corporal Nathan Cirillo . If you live in a country where you have the opportunity to express your views, however small and fleeting or large and long-standing that opportunity may be, then he represented YOU . Corporal Nathan Cirillo . An attack on him was an attack on civilization. Kevin Vickers, Sergeant-at-Arms within the Canadian Parliament buildings shot the attacker and brought to a halt this atrocity. In C...

Old Time Threshing

No (for some of the younger) this is not a post about talking to some un-likable person by hand. It’s about separating cereal grain from the (ripe) dry plant in a manner in many areas prior to 1955 and in some places well into the 1970s. My Uncle Sam cut and bundled about 8 acres on the front of the field next to his house and my cousins and their children stooked (standing the bundles up so they will continue to ripen and dry) it. With the help of many friends who also have heavy draft horses and some wagons a threshing was held on Sept. 20, 2014 . I didn't actually count them but there was well over 100 people in attendance, helping, watching, and either evoking memories or building new ones. Here are a few pictures from the day. There was also a team of tough little Fjords there hauling children (and the occassional adult) around but for some reason that picture does not want to down-load. Here's a pretty paint team bringing in another load of oat bundle...