
Showing posts from June, 2015

Shrine Hospitals for Children

Those reading this not in North America may not know or understand what Shriners are. Even many on this continent only see the small groups or “patrols” that will often appear in parades or at community functions and will only understand them as the “old guys” riding motorcycles (full size and min), small or model versions of a Model A (tin Lizzies) or as clowns. These groups are designed to heighten awareness of the Shrine and to offer some entertainment but they are not the primary function of the club.             Yes, the Shrine is a club made up of members who have become members of the Antient Order of Free and Accepted Masons. Freemasons can be found through-out the world but the Shrine is a club unique to North America . The primary function is to assist children (and their families) who require specialized treatment for orthopedic and burn surgery.             ...