
Showing posts from October, 2015

Firearms with thought instead of what feels good.

There are statements made day in and day out about firearms that have nothing to do with reality. The "traditional" media (they are having trouble maintaining that title, but they still may) and politicians continue to make statements that may project a "warm fuzzy feeling" but have nothing to do with logic, truth or what is actually happening around the world. They continue to repeat these statements, that go right to the listeners heart because they improve rating and/or increase votes. That isn't to say that some don't believe these statements; often they truly do but only because they haven't looked (never mind studied) the available information. Which shouldn't actually be a reason or "good excuse." What are people who claim to be our "leaders" and those keeping us informed doing making statements that have not been properly researched? Below is some information that has been researched and verified. This isn't the fir...

Press Release for GLW (2)

Strategic has finally sent out a press release for the re-release of my first novel from 1998 which now has the new look and a new source. It's in PDF and looks a bit different than what I'm posting here -- a picture of the book cover which is over to the right and a pic of me which also appears on the back of the book. What I'm posting here is just the text. What do you think of it? Contact: Ellen Green, Press Manager, Strategic Book Group - PRESS RELEASE WITH VIDEO TRAILER EMBEDDED Ex-Gold Miner Caught in Power Struggle in Exciting Western In the 1880s, prospective gold miners flooded the West trying to find the motherlode. Realizing that the life of a miner isn’t as rewarding or romantic as he expected, Hank James is ready to quit panning for gold in British Columbia and look for other opportunities. When he hears a prizefight will be fought in town, he attends, and with the help of the fight referee, wins big betting on the bout. ...

A peek at Jake

“The Great Liquor War” is available once again and now we are working on “The Making of Jake McTavish”. It was going to be “Jake’s Justice” but there are at least two efforts out there with that title and one of them is a SF or perhaps fantasy which might upset a reader who got something he wasn’t expecting. Perhaps another four weeks and you’ll be able to read about Jake and what happened to him after he ran away from home in Upper Canada . Here is a little clipping from Chapter 6 Southern Manitoba , 1887  It was May 16, 1887 when Egan and four other men rode up to the cabin. Jake had just finished having lunch and was on his way out, intending to ride around the cattle. Jake was feeling cocky and proud of himself. Of the hundred and fifty cows he first started out with he still had one hundred and four. They had also increased their numbers with sixty-three calves, which was not a great rate of reproduction, but considering that the cows were all malnourished ...