
Showing posts from December, 2015

Finding the Cariboo Women, Installment 2

Finding the women who helped open the Cariboo Country has been difficult for one main reason; most of those involved, including the women, didn’t rate their efforts as being important. Personally I think that attitude is a mistake, but even as late as the mid 1950s the majority of women would say the same thing. For those researching and writing about the nineteenth century information about the women is very difficult to find. It is necessary to cross-reference several sources such as census records, birth and marriage records, business licenses and newspaper accounts. When information is discovered in one source the next can prove the first inaccurate. Census records, for example may not have been filled out by a household or if they were, (particularly in the case of prospectors or trappers) perhaps they left immediately after recording their presence. Many births were not recorded until many years after the event and sometimes not at all. When Mary Pioneer’s name appeared on a...

Finding the Cariboo women

“The Making of Jake McTavish” is the forth novel where bits of my imagination have escaped out into view of the general public. I don’t believe any of those escapees will hurt anyone and hopefully they will be entertaining and even informative. I know I’m tired of seeing how Western Canada ’s police officers of the 19 th century where all paragons of virtue and/or the “geeks” or “nerds” of that age. I’m sure (and research supports my idea) that they were men (in all cases that part is 100% true) with good and bad qualities who were looking for a regular place to bunk and, in later years, a small pension. There have been a few writers who have tried to portray the pioneers of Western Canada as people with “warts and all”. Those that come to mind are Guy Vanderhaeghe and Bill Gallaher. Years ago I read some mountain man tales that included some mention of travel through those mountains that are now within Canada but much of what I read and view today about Canada ’s pione...

What is “The Making of Jake McTavish” about?

Before I get up on my soap box, here are videos for four novels, the latest, (and best one) first … and they didn’t spell my name wrong as they did with “Liquor War.” Available in print now and in several formats as an ebook by mid-December. “Jake McTavish” is about a man waking up to the need to look after himself. It’s about the responsibility all of us have in making our homes safe not only for those close to us and ourselves but, having accomplished that, for our neighbors. Yes, we have hired people to care for our safety, but sometimes it isn’t possible for them to ensure that task can be completed. Sometimes, and probably most often, they can’t carry out their assigned tasks to a successful conclusion because of timing; they just aren’t on-site when the support is needed. Someti...

Press Release for The Making of Jake McTavish

I've just recieved a copy of the new press release with a link to the video trailer Contact: Ellen Green, Press Manager, Strategic Book Group - PRESS RELEASE WITH VIDEO TRAILER EMBEDDED Western Forges a New Man in ‘The Making of Jake McTavish’ In 1890s Canada, Jake McTavish learns what he is made of when his world falls apart. Jake left his home in central Canada in his early teens. After working ships on the Great Lakes, feeding cattle, and shooting wolves on the prairie, he starts his own cattle operation out West, where he meets Anna, his life-long partner. Jake and Anna are happily married for three years when everything comes crashing down. Anna is raped and murdered, the image of which haunts Jake. To escape the vision of his butchered wife and all that he lost, Jake travels deep into the mountains and becomes a mountain man, spending three years trapping and panning for gold. When two outlaws try to rob him and leave him for dead, ...

David Milton McGowan: A few more weapons from Canada's past

David Milton McGowan: A few more weapons from Canada's past : In an earlier post I mention the Adams revolver that the North West Mounted Police were originally issued and that they eventually wound u...

A few more weapons from Canada's past

In an earlier post I mention the Adams revolver that the North West Mounted Police were originally issued and that they eventually wound up with the Colt SA Army but over the years they have been subject to a variety of “issue” weapons. My “Cattle Business” story which might see release in 2016 and tells a story from 1896 (yes, as usual there are some historical aspects) mentions several weapons. Within that story is mention of the British military and the Enfield revolver they issued (and used by some NWMP officers). The Adams and Enfield were replaced by the Colt SA Army and within a few years by the Colt Double Action Army. The first issue of the DA Army was in .44-40 to offer continuance of cartridge but then the .38 Smith & Wesson Special or .38 Special became popular and later Colt DAAs were in that cartridge. Eventually the Smith & Wesson Model 10 became the standard for many police forces. Enfield Mk II .476 Replaced by the Colt Frontier Double Action (M...