
Showing posts from February, 2016

Paying the price for rape and murder

Paying the price for rape and murder “The Making of Jake McTavish” This is the fourth published novel and in it I managed to include some stories I had heard from pioneers to the Peace River Country. True I changed them a great deal to fit my story line but those stores where what started me on this yarn in the first place. And then the story took over and lead me places I had not intention of going. As with most of my novels there are some weapons mentioned, most notably the Cold New Army "Sheriff's Model", the Colt Navy .36 and the Remington .41 rim-fire deringer. I hope the reader enjoys how Jake uses a Winchester to quell rudeness. By the way, if it was made by Derringer (who made some early small arms) it is spelled with two r's. If it was made by someone else (such as Remington) it has one r; I expect to get around any infringement problems. Remington .41 rim-fire At the end of "The Making of Jake McTavish" there are the usual not...

Facing down a bully

The third published novel for me a continuation of the life of Hank James and a look at Calgary in the mid 1880s. It also includes mention of a stage coach holdup that actually did occur north of Calgary and a winter that changed the way livestock is handled in North America. I also had Hank use one of the big bore Winchester calibers released that year with the '86 model. Depicted here is a Model 86 in 45-70 as used by Hank but it was available in even larger calibers. Facing down a bully “Homesteader: Finding Sharon ” Hank James and riding partner Harry Gilmore ride the rails east to look for the woman Hank thought would be his mate for life. They unload their horses and gear at Canmore and immediately make an enemy. Riding on into Calgary they find Sharon but Hank is suddenly not sure if she is who he thought she was. He does decide to stay around long enough to see if she is or isn’t. If they are staying around for awhile anyway Hank and Harry become homestea...

Building a Railroad then trying to rob it.

As I mentioned in the last post, I've updated the "blurbs" for my released work and here is another. "The Great Liquor War" was originally published in 1998 by Daison Publishing and here is a shot of that first cover. I have to take a moment to thank Marilyn Meikle  of "Signs & Things" for the pencil sketch that became that cover. The new cover is over to the right but now it is available in multiple digital versions as well as trade paperback. "The Great Liquor War" is the beginning of the Hank James story which is continued in "Homesteader: Finding Sharon". I'll have a new "blurb" for it as my next posting. Building a Railroad then trying to rob it. “The Great Liquor War” Hank James is trying to make his fortune panning gold but it isn’t exactly working that way. However with the help of an “inside source” he does well betting on a prize fight. With his winnings Hank invests in a new business haul...

Alive despite the renegades

I've recently replaces the information on "Partners" on the page and will post that here. "Partners" is my second published novel and the first done through SBPRA. I'm doing the update on info for it first since I want to do "The Great Liquor War" (1st published and 3rd with SBPRA as a 2nd edition) and "Homesteader: Finding Sharon" (3rd published and 2nd with SBPRA)  back to back since the characters - and their story - continue in "Homesteader". However, here is the new "blurb" for "Partners". “Partners” Tom Brash is educated, traveled, trained and for 1866 well aged Frank Clement is uncouth, unsophisticated, uneducated and young. Tom believes young Frank who has no idea where they are or the dangers they face will not survive traveling alone. Frank thinks the “old man” will get himself killed with his fancy talk and fancy guns. Can they work together to fend off the ren...

Who is responsible?

As parents, responsible parents at least we try to teach our children values that will result in their realizing sustainable development, longevity, productivity and happiness. A study of history, even a short history of perhaps half a lifetime will show that a moral approach to life is the most promising way to achieve those goals. More extensive study of generations, eras or eons will show that those following such teachings constantly enjoy better long term results than those who are cheating, lying, stealing, and generally destroying. So is that what we, as a society, do? Do we support those who espouse morality, truth, brotherly love and charity? No, not in any significant way. Oh sure, a few of us get together because we are embarrassed by a general response and we see that someone who has made significant contributions to our community receive at least some recognition. We all know of someone who has given unselfishly of themselves by volunteering, raising foster kids, ...