Paying the price for rape and murder

Paying the price for rape and murder “The Making of Jake McTavish” This is the fourth published novel and in it I managed to include some stories I had heard from pioneers to the Peace River Country. True I changed them a great deal to fit my story line but those stores where what started me on this yarn in the first place. And then the story took over and lead me places I had not intention of going. As with most of my novels there are some weapons mentioned, most notably the Cold New Army "Sheriff's Model", the Colt Navy .36 and the Remington .41 rim-fire deringer. I hope the reader enjoys how Jake uses a Winchester to quell rudeness. By the way, if it was made by Derringer (who made some early small arms) it is spelled with two r's. If it was made by someone else (such as Remington) it has one r; I expect to get around any infringement problems. Remington .41 rim-fire At the end of "The Making of Jake McTavish" there are the usual not...