NW Mounted Police or BC Provincial Post Fort St. John

The Old Fort Jail From the first week of June through September of 1964 I worked on the “Penalty Ranch” which was owned by an excellent horse trainer and rodeo bronk rider by the name of René Dhenin. He had called it the “Penalty” since that was what was offered if you dropped paper or garbage on the ground or left a gate open. The penalty, stipulated by René would be something like cleaning out the horse barn, one of the calving barns or hoeing the garden. I did clean the horse barn that summer but not as a penalty. No one received any penalties that summer and being the new hand ---- The ranch was (is) located on the south bank of the Peace River and south of Fort St. John , BC . The city is now on the high ground a few miles from the river but the Hudson ’s Bay trading post of that name, built in 18...