“I only read non-fiction.”

The Steamer "Onward" near Hope, BC late 1800s Paddle boat race near Quesnel, BC “I only read non-fiction.” This is something I’ve heard from a variety of sources, some of which I quite highly respect. I have asked, “Why not?” and received a variety of responses many of which revolve around, “I want to know the truth, not what someone imagined.” I wonder if any of those who feel that way have every had the opportunity to watch a news report of an event/accident/disaster where they may have been involved or witnessed? I know of no national Canadian news network does not present some form of bias. Of the three majors, one presents a story which is supportive of whichever government is most affected by the event; another supports views consistent with big business and the third presents whatever is the most exciting and bizarre. I expect this is the case with networks throughout the world since as time passes the focus of these stories often changes dr...