
Showing posts from February, 2017

“I only read non-fiction.”

The Steamer "Onward" near Hope, BC late 1800s Paddle boat race near Quesnel, BC “I only read non-fiction.” This is something I’ve heard from a variety of sources, some of which I quite highly respect. I have asked, “Why not?” and received a variety of responses many of which revolve around, “I want to know the truth, not what someone imagined.” I wonder if any of those who feel that way have every had the opportunity to watch a news report of an event/accident/disaster where they may have been involved or witnessed? I know of no national Canadian news network does not present some form of bias. Of the three majors, one presents a story which is supportive of whichever government is most affected by the event; another supports views consistent with big business and the third presents whatever is the most exciting and bizarre. I expect this is the case with networks throughout the world since as time passes the focus of these stories often changes dr...

An Excerpt from “Partners”

At this point in the story Tom and Frank have returned to the Cyprus Hills and located a defensible place with water close at hand. They know the two whiskey traders who killed the two Blackfoot at their first meeting are close behind but they have given up trying to evade them and are taking a stand. Following a wait of several hours Frank, on one of his scouting trips, sees the killers their numbers swelled to four, move into the hills. He returns to his own camp, tells Tom what he has seen and they settle down to wait for the attack. "Maybe make them killers nervous," Frank suggested. "They can't watch the country fer Injuns an’ keep an eye on us too. Blackfoot ain't noted as bein' real friendly folks. They won't treat us any better 'n they'll treat them whiskey traders, but it might give them two killers somethin' else t' think about."             Following several moments of silence, Tom said, "I don't really be...