
Showing posts from May, 2017

A Very Low Place in Our History!

 ... and a few reviews. No, the cartoon has nothing to do with the post, but it does help to raise the  status from the depths of sadness.   I would like to know how we came to this very low place. We have provincial elections taking place in a couple of Canada ’s provinces and with most elections in memory there does not seem to be any chance of improvement. One of the choices seems to think that nothing matters but the creation of jobs while the wants and needs of those actually making things work are ignored. The other choices all seem to think that if they spend all the money they can borrow (the voter’s cash) to spend on programs they will save the world. Both sides then make promises that are at odds with their basic ideas in hopes of confusing the voter into thinking their destructive ideas might not be implemented. There was a time when sacrificing one’s independence for the duty of leadership was a noble calling. It appears to have become th...