
Showing posts from July, 2017

Depression Era Antics

Here is a short story I wrote some time ago and I believe I posted it here once before about 2 years ago. The kernel that grew into this story was a tale told to me by a man who actually did "ride the rails" during the "dirty thirties". He had several stories of his travels through North America and I expect that in the future I'll be using some of what he told me to build other short stories. But for now ... A Voice From Beyond. By D.M. McGowan © 1             His eyes opened to dim bands of light coming through cracks in the ancient boxcar. Those who had never found a need for a low-budget ride on a fast freight might not appreciate how he could have slept through the clack of the wheels and the squeal of steel. After years of becoming used to it, he found the rock and sway comforting, and only heard the noise when some fellow traveler might try to speak over it. However he may not have slept so well had he ...

What can be seen at a Festival

I went up to Fort St. John , yesterday for one of the short concerts promoting the “ Alaska Highway 75 th Anniversary” CD. Recited my short rhyme, “The Road That Couldn’t Be Done” and sang a couple of songs from the era. I managed not to have to re-write any of them too badly and didn’t fall of the stage or anything. I missed some of the presentation but what I heard was very well done by all; A good presentation. It reminded me that I wanted to post some artists I like very much. Here is the Gibson Brothers who usually put on their Sunday go t’ mettin’ clothes for their shows, something we all used to do and I enjoyed it. Now days it “just isn’t done.” This is the video for one song so it is short … probably to short considering the caliber of work. The Gibson Brothers – They Called it Music The next one is a group called “Iron Horse.” I heard this done by our MLA ( Dawson Creek mayor at the time) and though he ...