
Responsible? Responsible for … Responsible to … This is the Soda Creek lockup in the 1880s If it was decided you were responsible for some malfeasance you had the opportunity to stay here until you could be transported to Oakalla Prison. No "country club" incarceration available. This is a group of Chinese immigrants arriving at the William Head Quarantine Center in 1917. Following 30 days here (minimum) they had the opportunity to enter Canada ... with the very little they had or could bring with them and no hand-outs. However, they still wanted to come. The camp below is the marvelous accommodations supplied. You were supplied with whatever food the center could acquire from local farms or warehouses. Too bad about your religious eating requirements. Much of my last post was about responsibility. That is, about those who did not accept responsibility for their actions which contributed to what happened. On the other hand some accepted responsibil...