You Might Not Like This, But

I read a quote from author Craig Johnson the other day that had me thinking about who I am and how I got to be this person. Surely you know who Craig Johnson is? He’s the writer who created the character Longmire. If you haven’t read any of the novels or seen at least a half dozen of the TV episodes then you haven’t lived a full life. You might not like this, but … You might not like this, but the US Civil War helped create who you are. It doesn’t matter if you are in South Africa , the events of 1861 to ’65 in U.S. affect how you live today. You might not like this, but the 20 million people who died between 1935 and 1945 affected the person you are. You might not like this, but both the stupidity of mankind and the amazing leaps in intellect have changed those who are alive and growing in the present. There was a time when the common man, what today we call the working man, did as he was told by his...