
Showing posts from March, 2019

Rhymes, Songs and Videos

Well, truly it's about learning to make videos and post them on YouTube.           I’ve been experimenting with a video camera and attempted to save some of the rhymes and songs I’ve written in the digital world. Apparently I need to practice a bit more, not only on posting but on my presentation.           “Cattle Business” seems to be doing all right over at Amazon; you can take a look and even read a sample by clicking on the book cover over to the right. I’ve also put together some of my short stories in a collection I’m calling (for now anyway) “People of the West: A Timeline”. It includes several stories from 1798 to 1967. I just sent it off to a good friend/editor/reader for his perusal and comments.           But back to the videos;           One of my rhymes entitled “Inclusion”. I w...