
Showing posts from April, 2019

How pioneers survived – Partners

Cypress Hills The pioneers who explored and settled North America were from a variety of backgrounds. Some were young, a few were old (middle-aged in the standards of today), some were educated and most were not. Many ventured out alone and if they had some experience in protecting and feeding themselves they managed to survive. If they happened to be extremely fast learners they might survive. If they had neither skill or could not find someone who did they often perished. Having company often helped. With two people or a group each will have different skills which will help and they can also watch each other’s back in a crisis. There where instances when a married couple managed to make a living on a western farm when neither was experienced or fitted for the life in the beginning but working together managed to prosper. There are also examples of such couples not surviving. Most of those who trod the prairie and mountains in those early days were men. Groups would ha...

Immigration and the proliferation of crime.

     And to go along with this post, "Inclusion" from the last posting;             It has been five years since I shared this letter. I thought it was important at the time, captured and saved it. Following further actions demonstrating serious stupidity by those incapable of logical thought and a complete disregard for the security of Canadians I believe it is time to share it again.      That sounds like it only applies to those claiming to be Canada's "leaders" but it is directed at all those who believe in the "global" systems. We need national borders so we can slow travelers down long enough to determine if they are terrorists (or criminals of any stripe) and therefore need to be stopped.             The Canada that exists today is the result of immigration. However that growth and development is due to certain...