Dan Frechette and Laurel Thomsen

We had a great concert here (Diamond Willow Retreat) Sat. night (July 25/15) from two of the most versatile and accomplished musicians I have had the pleasure to hear and observe in a very long time. Some great songs as well, written by them in genres from country through folk to jazz. I was blown away by a composition that reminded me very much of Django Reinhardt and Stéphane Grappelli of the “Hot Jazz Club”. However, those two greats from France did not have the lyrics and outstanding harmonies presented by Dan Frechette and Laurel Thomsen. I hope to see them back again as do all those who attended. You can take a look for yourself at: https://www.facebook.com/danandlaurel or at their web-site which is: http://www.danandlaurel.ca/Home.html And while I’m thinking of it I’ll mention again that after you have “liked” their facebook page I would appreciate it if you did the same to mine … https://www.facebook.com/pages/Author-David-McGowan-Fan-Page-Strateg...