Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Great Liquor War trailer on YouTube

 Grady MacTavish and the crew at MacWood Productions, with some background from Dawson Creek's "Walter Wright Pioneer Village" put together a book trailer for my oldest published novel and here it is. Grady wrote a narration script for me to read and I see it as a good production that explains the basics of the story.

The story/novel in question is "The Great Liquor War" but the sequel to it, "Homesteader: Finding Sharon" is also available as an audio.

I'm also recording "Partners" - should be available by mid-June and "Wester People: A Short Story Timeline", hopefully available by July 15, 2024.

I had this done to kick off the audio version. Yes, it is the oldest published novel, but it has only recently been released as an audio - narrated by the author. Apparently there are many listeners of audio novels out there including a bunch of commercial drivers, a group that I was part of for twenty two years before I retired.

Yes, I write novels, usually with some actual history within the pages, but the most important part of any story I write is entertainment.


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